Practical Statistics for Medical Research - D. G. Altman

Practical Statistics for Medical Research (Statistics Texts)
Douglas G. Altman

Hardcover 624 pages (November 1990)
Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC
ISBN: 0412276305

This book is primarily aimed at medical researchers and may also be useful to medical students, to clinicians who wish to understand the principles of the design and analysis of research, and to those attending postgraduate courses in medical statistics. The book aims to provide an understanding of the basic principles that underlie research design, data analysis and the interpretation of results and to enable the reader to carry out a wide range of statistical analyses. The emphasis is on the practical aspects of the design and analysis of medical research and attention is paid to the interpretation and presentation of results. By discussing the use and misuse of statistics the book aims to give the reader the material to judge the appropriateness of the methods and interpretation in papers published in medical journals. In most of the cases contained in the book the raw data is given so that analyses can be reproduced either by computer or by hand calculation.[/quote]

[quote]the title says it all, December 15, 1999
Reviewer: A reader from united kingdom
it is without doubt the best beginners guide to statistics in medical research. introduction and explanations are easy to read and follow. as someone new to research this book is never far from me. [/quote]

Jeg har IKKE selv læst bogen, men ud fra alle de anmeldelser jeg har læst, så skulle den være “gude” bogen.
Kig selv her: … 97-4699856

Der skulle komme en ny version sommeren 2007


Dette er en helt igennem god bog, dog en smule forældet.
Bogen er skrevet direkte til læger. Forfatteren rammer lige i øjet, uden alt for mange omstændige matematiske udredninger og det hele er meget praktisk anlagt.

Dog virker bogen lidt gammeldags på visse områder: layout (ligner en bog der er skrevet på skrivemaskine).
Afsnittet om computer databehandling er helt udfaset. Endvidere der er mange råd og vink til brugere af lommeregnere. Så bogen trænger til en opdatering mht statistisk databehandling i nyere programmer (STATA, SPSS, SAS etc).

Jeg har lige kigget, nuværende udgave er fra: 1990.

jeg venter desværre forsat på en 2008 udgave…hvis den kommer…

Her er ISBN nummre for den nye udgave:
Practical Statistics for Medical Research
Douglas G. Altman

ja, håber også selv på ny udgave.
Men hvis du vil vide noget om medicinsk statistisk ud over det helt basale er dette dog stadig bogen (selvom den er gammel).

Nogen der ved om der er planlagt en opdatering af denne bog?