Sauer's Manual of Skin Diseases - John C. Hall

[color=#001bff][size=150]Sauer’s Manual of Skin Diseases[/size]
John C. Hall

Hardcover: 503 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,US; 9Rev Ed edition (1 April 2006)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0781729475
ISBN-13: 978-0781729475,0,0-7817-1629-2,00.html

Forlaget skrev: [quote]Now in its revised, updated Eighth Edition, Sauer’s Manual of Skin Diseases will remain the leading dermatology manual for medical students, residents, and primary care practitioners. It provides step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow algorithms for diagnosis and treatment of all common skin conditions. Unique features include a detailed, practical formulary … differential diagnoses based on site, type of lesion, and age of patient … more than 500 full-color illustrations … and a dictionary-index of dermatology terms and rare diseases. Sauer’s Manual of Skin Diseases contains a section on cosmetics by a world-renowned expert in cosmetic dermatology, and is the only current dermatology book in the United States with a section on tropical skin diseases.New contributing authors have rewritten the Eighth Edition’s sections on laboratory procedures and tests, dermatologic immunology, genodermatoses, pediatric dermatology, tropical diseases, and cutaneous manifestations of internal disease. All other sections have been completely updated.[/quote]

Denne anmelder skriver: Sauer’s Manual omfatter velsagtens alle dermatologiens områder. Der er mange gode billeder og let ekstraherbare oplysninger, formidlet med vægt på hvordan man som ikke-dermatolog helt konkret skal håndtere dermatologiske problemstillinger. Lidt pudsigt er det dog, at en del af de gode råd og behandlingsmæssige kommentarer er i modstrid til dansk praksis og tilsyneladende også til andre amerikanske dermatologers holdninger.
Niveauet lever langt fra op til det, der forventes af en i hvert fald i København (og det er jo lidt interessant idet bogen skulle kunne bruges i praksis…), så den kan næppe anbefales som andet en en introduktion eller håndbog, og det endda med en advarende note om at de anførte behandlinger skal overvejes en ekstra gang.

Opdateret til 2006 udgaven