I am glad I found this website. Two months ago I arrived in the country to carry out my profession as a general practitioner, although first I must learn the language. Right now uncertainty invades me and I am anxious about all the changes that are happening. I am from the Caribbean (Central America) and there medicine is studied and practices a little differently.
If you could give me some advice to help me adapt and prepare for the medical (here) and language exams, it would be amazing.
I think there is a reason why you ended up in Denmark - so the best way to learn the languages is to use the social network that broad you up here Family, husbund etc - be social… But I know it is not that easy in these corona-times,
Then you have to learn how the danish medicial system is build up, and what is the role as a GP in Denmark, what role does the STPS play in Denmark. And second the guidelines.
The Danish College of General Practitioners (DSAM) have made a lot of good guidlines and they are the golden standart. Vejledninger and Vejledninger
You could contact a local hospital and medical department and ask if you may follow one doctor a day or 2 just as an eye opener of how the system is in DK and how the doctor and patient relationship is etc.
You could contact some local GPs to see if you may follow them a day or 2 - I know you may not know the language at a start - but you will see what a GP in Denmark do as daily tasks…