Dubai Healthcare City

Nogen der har kendskab til dette gigantiske projekt, som de er ved at føre til livs i Dubai?

Et byprojekt til 1,8 mia. $ som skal gøre Dubai til et af verdens førende institutioner indenfor lægevidenskabelig forskning og praktisering. Efter sigende skal der bygges private hospitaler, klinikker, wellness centre og et universitet tilknyttet Harvard University (Boston).

Det lyder godt nok ambitiøst.

Nå… hvad synes i?

Jeg tager ud og snuser til stedet i juleferien.

Dubai is going to become a great turist attraction, but to establish a top-notch healthcare industry would require a tremendously amount of effort, money, good management and more. 1.8B USD doesn’t reach very far when considering that NIH invests annually 28B USD for research per se, the financial support is not even remotely comparable.

Det tænkte jeg også selv og i princippet har du ret i at beløbet sammenlignet med det amerikanske sundhedssystems’s udgifter er minimal.
Mon ikke dette beløb bliver ekspanderet voldsomt, når folk investerer i området?..

Det er måske også mere relevant at sammenligne med fx Boston isoleret overfor Dubai (for at få en mere realistisk vision af potentialet) end hele USA (og dets bl.a. 2618 universiteter) - selvom der er pointe i at inddrage hele USA, hvis Dubai har målsætning om at være en af de førende.

When I brought up the sum of money NIH invests in research it was not intended to compare this number to the 1.8b USD Dubai intend to invest in health care project. The 28B USD is solely invested in medical research whereas, if I understood it correctly, Dubai is investing 1.8B USD on health care in general, this number should be compared to US health care expenditure, which would be 15% of their GDP poured into medical technology, hospitals and government funded insurance coverage.

To attract foreign investors one would need good reputation and rational management and Dubai isnt exactly known for its outstanding medical research and flourishing with superstar scientists securing the productivity for the future.